The CDC’s 2011 Estimates For Foodborne illness showed that eight known pathogens account for the vast majority of hospitalizations, deaths, and illnesses. The CDC also reports that annually in the United States, 48 million people get ill because of a foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 pass away. With the right food and hygiene course, you can train your staff on food and sanitation so that they can get a food protection certificate or a food handlers permit online. Restaurant food safety is an important concern for all kinds of eateries.
There are several things to know about handling food that you can get from a proper food protection course. At temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria becomes dormant and cannot reproduce. Conversely, when temperatures approach 145 degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria is destroyed. A food protection course can help any restaurant with their food quality management.
Today, foodborne illness is a concern for all diners, especially for pregnant women, children, the elderly, and others that have an immune system that is compromised in some way. A food protection course can help you keep your food safe so that your patrons can eat at your establishment with confidence. Look around for the best available course to train your staff members on what is needed to keep your food products safe at all times and free of the dangerous bacteria that can spread illnesses, making an unpleasant situation for people that are unfortunate enough to come down with sickness.