When automakers began installing radios in cars in 1929, the art of cruising was revolutionized. Although Henry Ford started rolling his Model T’s off the assembly line in 1914, and radios had been around since the 1890s, it is remarkable that it took nearly 30 years for one of these geniuses to come up with the idea of putting radios in new cars.
Today, radios are pretty much the only “free” option that is included when you by a vehicle from new car dealers. Of course, Volkswagen might include a few extra “free” options when you consider that they spend more money on research than just about any other company. Furthermore, your typical Los Angeles VW dealers are always offering VW lease specials, which can put a new Volkswagen within the reach of anyone with good credit.
As most people probably realize, the infamous VW Beetle was the most successful Volkswagen vehicle of all time. It may be mind-boggling, but Volkswagen produced the good ole Beetle for 58 years! If that isn’t amazing enough, the much loved automobile was barely changed over those six decades. Even when the new Beetle started popping up at Volkswagen Los Angeles in the late 90s, it still retained its classic appearance, despite its obvious aesthetic updates.
If you are looking for a new Volkswagen, stay away from classic car dealers and used car dealers, because only new car dealers who sell Volkswagens will have what you were looking for. Actually, local used car dealers might be an option, but it will probably take more than a little legwork to get your butt into a quality used Volkswagen. After all, there won’t be many used Volkswagens sitting on dealership lots for too long. But if you can manage to spot one before anyone else does, you can count on getting a car that you can rely on for years to come.