Deron School I in Union NJ
Deron School I 1140 Commerce Ave Union, NJ 07083 www.deronschool.org 908-206-0444 Deron I provides a well-rounded program to learning-disabled students, ages 5-13, that promotes academic achievement, interpersonal skills and social development. Located in Union, NJ Deron I Elementary is a special eduation school that offers programs to children with special needs. The Deron Schools endeavor…
Tips for Long-Lasting Bridal Make Up
For many women, makeup is a huge part of their day-to-day looks. In fact, for many of us, it effects how we feel about ourselves in a major way. Studies have shown that 25% of women believe they would be passed over for promotions if they didn’t wear makeup to work, 33% won’t leave the…