We all deal with some aches and pains from time to time , right? But sometimes these little aches and pains are not so serious and they will just go away as time goes on, and other times, they will stick with us and drive us crazy throughout the work day, so it ends up becoming a reason to seek medical attention.
For some reason, any time we have anything wrong with our body we immediately think to go to our physician, but why do we do this? It is not always a problem with our body that can be cured by temporary pain pills or muscle relaxers! Why do we not think to check out an alternative healing solution first, like a chiropractor? Doctors of Chiropractic have had at least four years of professional study as well, so they too know what they are doing when it comes to the body. They do not get those big job in performance sports nutrition for no reason, it is because they know what the heck they are doing!
Chiropractor care usually consists of spinal adjustment, it is the most commonly used method in the field. You probably are not aware, but a lot of our problems with pain lie right in that spinal area, because it is the bodies main support. But even the best chiropractors cannot solve every issue with a simple back adjustment, it sometimes requires them to allow the compliment or support of medical treatment to relieve the musculoskeletal aspects.
Chiropractics was founded by Daniel David Palmer in 1895, in Davenport, Iowa. He hypothesized that manual manipulation of the spine could cure disease, and was both right and wrong in a sense. Chiropractic care mainly claims that ones body has a powerful self healing ability, and the bodies structure, mainly the spine, is related to its function. A concept once used and thought of by only one man, now used by every performance sports nutrition specialist in the world, that is crazy! What a gift he gave us.
This does not mean that if you have been diagnosed with a fatal disease, you can just go up the street to the local chiropractor and get your back cracked and then boom, all your problems are fixed and your going to live forever! Although that would be nice, it is not thinking realistically. Chiropractor can relieve you of aches and pains and stimulate your nerves for you, they can relieve stress, and they are a healthier approach at healing then typical medicines with extreme side effects.
The demand for chiropractors is not going anywhere anytime soon, it actually will most likely increase! With the fact that sports and performance sports nutrition are not going anywhere EVER, and the fact that stress is something that will be a humans enemy until the end of time, we will always need chiropractors.
6 responses to “Sometimes Normal Medicine is Not the Best Solution”
I love the Chiropractor! I go there literally once a month to get stimmed and adjusted. its the most relaxing feeling in the world. I’m anti meds so this is a nice alternative healing for me.
Yes! I love all types of alternative medicine! it’s like every problem you ever had originally started because of stress, it is crazy to think about how much control our mind has aint it!
Yes! I love all types of alternative medicine! it’s like every problem you ever had originally started because of stress, it is crazy to think about how much control our mind has aint it!
Yes! I love all types of alternative medicine! it’s like every problem you ever had originally started because of stress, it is crazy to think about how much control our mind has aint it!
Yes! I love all types of alternative medicine! it’s like every problem you ever had originally started because of stress, it is crazy to think about how much control our mind has aint it!
Yes! I love all types of alternative medicine! it’s like every problem you ever had originally started because of stress, it is crazy to think about how much control our mind has aint it!