Restaurants and cafes. It is important to determine what types of establishments are within the region, as well as which customers they draw. Consider whether you want to franchise your restaurant before making a decision on the location (or not). If you decide to franchise, learn how many restaurants are in operation, their financial condition, and their organizational structures (who is the owner and what proportion of each revenue goes to the corporate). Ask for references from places that have proven to be successful and known for quality customer service and high-quality food (and do not be scammed by). Parking can be a problem especially for establishments that specialise in sushi. The customers who choose to go to home for dinner or get take-out meals from their vehicles will require parking. 8. Photographer
Do you remember the debates about whether the advent of phone cameras would be devastating to photography? Fast forward, several decades later and photography is taking off and won’t be going away anytime soon. It’s among the best small companies you can establish without a degree. The only requirement is investing in a quality camera and be adept at capturing great photos.
Certain photographers have the ability to obtain certificates in photography or art. There are a myriad of options available being a pro photographer, that range from headshots for business to digital photos of faces of others. The more personal the concept is, the better chance to be sold. Websites can be made so that clients are able to place an order for portraits.
You need to find the perfect location before you begin your work. You can then use software like Photoshop Elements to edit the images before uploading them onto your site. Perhaps you’ll shoot big-name celebrities in the near future.
9. Company to help with moving
There is always a need for people to move into new locations for business reasons , or simply to gain fresh experiences. You can tap into this market and provide relocation assistance for both individuals and businesses. There is no need for a university qualification to