Search engine optimization is everywhere. If you did not know this, that means it is working. Right now SEO has a close rate of 14.6 percent, which is over ten times the 1.7% close rate of traditional marketing. This means that SEO is more effectively reaching the right people. As markets change, seeing online retail sales and social media becoming more relevant, search engine rankings and optimization to earn those rankings is becoming more pertinent.
The only thing people do more than research and browse with the help of search engines is check their email. This fact alone places SEO at the forefront of online marketing.
To an online-marketing-oriented web design reseller SEO should be given the utmost importance. This is especially true of design projects that are for service and retail businesses. Service and retail professionals state that 39% of all their sales come from search engine users. If SEO is ignored, then the web designer is potentially alienating 39% of its clients consumers.
Even to an independent web design reseller SEO should be recognized as an important attribute that is worth coordinating with. Knowing that a website’s success could live or die by the ability of the website to be found can drastically effect how a designer will put together a website. Typically these designers will create with usability, navigation, and aesthetics in mind. The website should be easy to use, which means people know where they want to go and can get there quickly. This goes hand in hand with an idea of providing simple solutions to navigation problems. If the only way to reach a webpage is by clicking on a hyperlink in the middle of one article, then a website may have some navigation problems. Lastly aesthetics orient, or disorient, a website user. Aesthetics are the first impression that websites cannot redo. If a website does not look inviting, then users are more likely to exit the website without a second thought.
Three out of every ten businesses outsource a portion of their social media marketing. Yet, even to a social media reseller SEO has a particularly important role. Using SEO strategy with social media can lead to more consumers and readers clicking on, and sharing links.
As you consider the cost effective marketing strategy for your business, think about how well these different aspects of online marketing would function as individual parts. And then consider them all housed under the same roof, being worked on by a single team. Private label SEO is moving in the direction of ease of use, and not only for search engine clickers. Great SEO reseller programs will offer web design, social media, and even email marketing as a part of their holistic online marketing strategy. To get the most for your marketing dollar, look for such an SEO reseller.