I am a small business owner. By small, I mean just myself working from a home office. Thankfully, my business started to grow and it was suddenly time for me to hire reinforcements. But I did not want to spend the money on a full time employee, nor did I really need one. I thought about having a telephone call answering service. I looked into virtual receptionist services and discovered that virtual receptionists were exactly what I needed.
I was interested in live answering services so clients were not just getting a machine. Live telephone answering services are more personal, more professional, and more in line with how I would like my company to be represented to the outside world. So when I needed a telephone call answering service I hired a virtual assistant instead. And she is so much fore than a telephone call answering service. She is also a scheduler and responds to emails for me. I can also task her with smaller jobs involving billing and mailers. Hiring her is the best thing I have done for my business in a long time.